Friday, May 6, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 20/04/2011

Joshua 21:1-45

Although they did not own land, the Levites were given land and cities to live in. I see this as God showing that those who, like the Levites, were called and completely dedicated to serving Him would be provided for. As a retired evangelist I can affirm that through my years of service God did provide for my 'needs', but not my 'greeds'.

Note: v.41 - the Levites lived amongst the other tribes. It is important for God's servants to be amongst the people, keeping the focus on God.

Verse 45 sums up what God has done; from delivering the people from slavery in Egypt; providing for them during their desert wanderings; helping them to overcome the foes in their way; and finally seeing them settled in their new homes. All of this was promised by God, and all that was promised has now happened. God never fails to take care of us! There will always be trials designed to strengthen our faith and build our character; we must accept them as being for that purpose. But once past the trials all His promised blessings will kick in. Hallelujah!

Joshua 22:1-20

The promises of God to the Israelites were conditional; meet the conditions and the promises kicked in. In v.5 we have the conditions. Obeying them is vital. There is no limit to what God can do with you if you meet His conditions. (NB: It's not about what you can do for God!)

In the 1830's a sixten year old boy made a serious commitment: 'The Lord shall have all that there is of William Booth'. After years of trials and training, God had prepared him for the development of The Salvation Army. We all have the same opportunity to be used by God. He might not use us to start a world-wide ministry, but at least we should serve our community well. Don't worry about having a lot of ability or talent. Look how well Jesus used the young boy's five loaves and two fish (John 6:9), or how impressed He was with a small donation, but not with the large ones (Mark 12:41-44)! Whatever we have and are, He can make good use of!

Luke 20:1-26

The chief priests and the scribes wanted to confound Jesus, but had no answers themselves. They did perceive that the parable Jesus told them was aimed at them, the leaders in Israel (v.19) who had been mistreating the prophets of God. They did not believe that they would kill God's Son (vv.13, 16) but were already, albeit unwittingly, preparing to do just that. They did not understand the scriptures then, and many sincere Jews have not understood them since. Fortunately God is merciful; as He hung on the cross He prayed that the Father would forgive them 'for they do not know what they are doing'.

God's mercy is still freely available to all who will acknowledge that they are sinners and need Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Those who need Him include the very 'religious' amongst Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and so-called Christians who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. If they did have, they would have the confirmation that the Holy Spirit of God indwells them, and would readily testify to this (Romans 10:10).

Psalm 89:1-13

Years ago the first two verses were in a chorus that I still enjoy singing. Truly, for ever I will make known the mercies of the Lord! For ever I will praise Jesus, the 'seed of David' (v.4) Who will reign for ever. Like the psalmist, I also believe God has the power to take care of me and protect me from anything that threatens me. It started when I made a decision to get right with God. Have you not tried it? It works! Try it for yourself!

Proverbs 13:15-16

It pays to think things through. I know that, but there are still times when I make quick decisions that I am afterward sorry about. As there is no point in crying over spilt milk, I have learned to be somewhat philosophical about the mistakes. What makes it easier to bear is Paul's suggestion that we forget the past matters, and move on (Philippians 3:13). It makes sense. If I keep on dwelling on the past I make myself miserable and become poor company. By striving to live a positive life that pleases Jesus, I find my own spirit being lifted.

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