Judges 4:1-24. Judges 5:1-31
There is a TV programme titled 'Street Court' that is currently enjoying popularity. This was not, however, the first 'street court'. That honour belongs to Deborah, Lapidoth's wife, one of Israel's judges whom God also used to rescue them from Canaanite oppressors (Judges 4:4-5). Note: she was a recognised prophetess, indicating that God uses women in spiritual leadership positions. By following instructions Deborah received from God (v.14). Israel defeated the Canaanites.
Those who refuse to accept women in preaching and teaching in the church do so contrary to these precedents set by God. Their reasoning is probably based on Paul's
clearly stated personal view
(1 Timothy 2:12), that is, his way of doing things;
not an instruction to the whole church
. Priscilla, with her husband Aquila, helped to teach Apollos, a man mighty in scripture, the 'way of God more perfectly' (Acts 18:26). He probably convinced himself that with his knowledge of the scriptures (Old Testament) he could correct Peter (Galatians 2:11).
Luke 22:35-54
Sometimes the call of God is to a ministry that will bring suffering (v.42). Like Jesus, we can request, but cannot demand, to be relieved of the responsibility. If God insists we should accept it without demurring.
I have long believed that the extent to which we are prepared to suffer for Jesus determines our reward in heaven. Much suffering, much reward; little suffering, little reward. I base this on the principle of what we sow we reap.
Psalm 94:1-23
When it seems that the wicked are getting on top, we must remember that God is always ready to defend us (v.22-23), and think on the many blessings that the Lord has already given us (vv.18-19). Paul probably had this in mind when he suggested that it is a good idea to always think good and positive thoughts (Philippians 4:8).
Proverbs 14:3-4
We will do well in life if we use common sense. Common sense is aware that idleness will not produce an income. We should be prepared to do all the hard work necessary to creating an income, be it an ox, a machine, or a career.
If our spiritual lives are neglected there will be no challenges, nor will there be blessings!
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