Monday, May 30, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 03/05/2011

Judges 17:1-13. Judges 18:1-31
There are those of 'Christian persuasion' who are clearly mixed up. On the one hand they want to honour the Lord in the way they live; but on the other hand they break God's commands like Micah's mother did (17:3). God had forbidden the making of 'graven images', yet she believed in the way she interpreted God's will, a case of doing what was right in her own eyes (17:6). Her son eventually had 'an house of gods' and made one of his sons a priest! This shows the lengths to which some will go in order to have a 'religious' experience.
Sometimes large ministries or churches develop from their confused 'Christian' worship, but that does not mean that God is honoured in it (Matthew 7:21-23).
Thankfully, for believers it is simple; 'believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved' (Acts 16:31)! It was simple enough for the thief on the cross to be saved (Luke 23:42-43). Let us not complicate our faith by creating rules and methods that God never commanded.

John 3:1-21
'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God' (3:3). Jesus could not have spoken more clearly than that, yet so many 'Christians' do not accept what He said. They prefer their own way to God ( Proverbs 14:12), such as living a good life, doing good deeds, praying many times a day, going through certain rituals, accepting other religions because 'all roads lead to God', and so on. But the way to God is the way of the cross as Jesus says in John 3:14-18. Many who tried to honour God their own way are going to be horribly shocked when He rejects them at the Judgment. Take no chances - ask Jesus to be your Saviour - now!

Psalm 104:1-23
There is order and beauty about everything God created. There is such an abundance produced from the earth that none should go hungry. The problem is men who want more than what they are entitled to, causing them to break God's laws in order to feed their greed. If men learned to be satisfied with their lot in life they would be happier people!

Proverbs 14:20-21
If we are neighbours to the poor (v.20) and hate them then we sin; if we try to help them, we will feel blessed in our hearts (v.21).
God is loving and compassionate, and wants us to be the same. The blessings and help we give to the needy will definitely come back to us.

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