Monday, May 30, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 05/05/2011

Judges 21:1-25

With a little more effort the tribe of Benjamin could have been wiped out forever; that is how little thought the other tribes gave to the matter. When they realised how close it was to extinction they were horrified. We should always think carefully before acting.
Fortunately, God is in control; even if we make mistakes He can help us to rectify things. That is why there was still a remnant of the tribe left to use to revive the Benjamites.
We should beware of thinking we are doing everything right. If everyone thought that way and acted accordingly there would be chaos in the country (21:25).

Ruth 1:1-22

In spite of a sense of bitterness over her great losses, and a feeling that God has abandoned her (v. 1.21), Naomi never turned her back on the Lord. This was in Peter's thinking when he told Jesus that they, the disciples, had no one else to turn to (John 6:68); or Job who, in spite of all his troubles, never stopped honouring God (Job 6:68).
Naomi, Job and Peter all ended up greatly blessed by the Lord. There is no doubt that we will also be blessed after enduring trials (James 1:2-4).

John 4:4-42

Sometimes you seem to be on one of life's by-roads that leads nowhere, and are puzzled as to what the purpose is. Ask God to show you His purpose; you will then realise that it is, after all, necessary that you go through a personal Samaria (v. 4:4). Nothing happens by chance. Allow God to help you work through any situation you find yourself in. He wants to use you to bring living water into the lives of others (v. 4:41)!

Psalm 105:1-15

When under trials we tend to forget the many marvellous things God has done for us, and become negative under new trials (v.105:5). Fortunately God is not forgetful; we can rely on Him to always remember the promises He makes to us (v.105:8).

Proverbs 14:25

The Bible teaches that Satan is already a loser; God is currently allowing him liberty during which to test us until the end of time, when he will receive his come-uppance.
Satan is a liar and a deceiver; those who choose to believe him are in big trouble. Rather trust God, the true Witness, if you want deliverance!

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