Judges 1:1-36
After the death of Joshua the tribes acted in concert according to the Lord's directions. The tribes went to war against the Canaanites occupying their land allocations, but did not drive them out. Although the Canaanites became subservient to the tribes, they were still able to influence many Israelites away from God.
We might ridicule the Israelites for allowing the Canaanites to influence them into idolatry, but we are all guilty of similar behaviour. For example, to agree that 'all religions lead to God' and therefore we should be tolerant of other religions is to fall into this trap. As for absorbing ancestor worship into Christianity, it is an abominable practice; yet it is happening, even in some mainline churches.
Judges 2:1-9
Because the Israelites chose to not drive out the Canaanites, the Lord left them with the problem. Sexual aberrations were amongst Canaanite practices. The practise of homosexuality is an abomination to God; He abandons those who are determined to carry on with it (Romans 1:24-27). Some homosexuals have even becoming church leaders. Setting themselves up as authorities on what in the Bible to believe and what to reject, they lead many astray. We need to be on guard against such.
Former homosexuals who became born again, saved believers, witness to changed lives in which they now eschew homosexuality (1 Corinthians 5:11 and 6:9-11).
Luke 21:29-38
There is sometimes confusion about what Jesus meant when He spoke of, 'This generation' (v.32). When there is uncertainty, I always start with the premise that the Bible is trustworthy. Accepting that Jesus is not misquoted, I believe that the generation He is referring to is not the one of His time, but the one to which the signs of the end times appear. It then makes sense that the generation that saw the first of the signs come to pass will see the fulfilment of all the signs, followed by the end of the age. Taking the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948 as the first sign, in our time we will see the fulfilment of all the signs. It is time for us to be ready for Jesus' return!
Luke 22:1-23
We read that 'Satan entered into Judas' (v.3). Because of his betrayal of Jesus, Judas will endure everlasting woe (v.22). Rejecting the salvation that Jesus offers freely is also a form of betrayal. Jesus having, in great and self-sacrificial love, died for the whole world, it is a form of betrayal for a mere man to reject out of hand what Almighty God has so gladly done for him.
When debating who was the one who would betray Jesus, the disciples were unsure. This was natural because Pentecost was still in the future and the Holy Spirit had not yet entered into them. Only after the Holy Spirit entered their hearts did they become rock solid and very bold men of faith.
Judas was a mercenary; the rest became missionaries for Jesus. We all have to make our choice.
Psalm 90:1-17
This great psalm is from the pen of Moses. From years of walking close to God, he knew something of God's power. I am intrigued by his reference to man living for 'three score and ten' or perhaps 'fourscore' (v.10), for Moses lived for one hundred and twenty years and was still healthy (Deuteronomy 34:7) when God took him. I assume that he was aware of being unusually blessed healthwise so as to get his job done (v.17). We, too, will be given the years and the health needed in order to do the work the Lord gives us.
Psalm 91:1-16
These are the words of someone who knew that Almighty God was utterly dependable; a secure dwelling place. This only happens through deliberately choosing to walk in fellowship with God every day.
Proverbs 13:24-25
Since the banning of corporal punishment in schools they have experienced an escalation in crime. This is another instance where godless men in authority think they know better than what God says. Those who ignore what the Bible teaches do so at their peril. Unfortunately, as a result of their sinful rejection of Biblical truth, the innocent get hurt.
The Devotion Thought entries are based on readings from the One Year Bible. The comments are not just a paraphrase of the readings, but my personal notes based on what I glean from these readings in the light of my experiences and, sometimes, what is happening in the world today.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Devotion Thoughts - 23/04/2011
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