Monday, May 23, 2011



The Christian road is not for weak and vacillating souls.
Each day we need to boldly speak
of Christ and how His will we seek
to help set Godly goals.

While that we do, the devil tries to throw us off our course.
But by God's help we realise
that we must always keep our eyes
on Jesus, our Resource.

For He supplies all that we need to run the Christian race;
and if His Word we always heed
and let His Spirit take the lead,
we'll see Him face to face!

So do not be disheartened by the trials you undergo,
for they will strengthen you to run
the Christian road with God's own Son
while living here below.

Then one day we will hear Him say, 'Well done, my faithful one!
Come up above and sit with Me
in heaven for eternity;
and wear the crown you've won!'

Edward John Kidgell
April 2011

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