Monday, May 30, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 02/05/2011

Judges 15:1-20; Judges 16:1-31
(15:11) Although a physically powerful man, in twenty years of being Israel's judge (15:20) Samson had not helped them to conquer their rulers, the Philistines. He was too self-centred to realise he had responsibilities for which God had equipped him.
All believers have spiritual gifts and are given opportunities to witness. Knowing that God is waiting to use us, we should not be self-centred but yield ourselves to God, doing our best to honour Him in service.
Samuel was a glutton for punishment. Let down by a Philistine wife he still continues to seek diversion amongst them, aware that the Philistines are dying (sometimes literally!) to kill him. Relying on his own (God-given) powers, he toyed with the Philistines regarding the secret of his strength. But he was tricked, and ended up a blinded prisoner. For the first time we read of a humbled Samson praying a serious prayer to God for strength to bring down the house where he was being made sport of. God hears, and Samson is the most effective he has ever been, killing three thousand Philistines as well as himself.
Messing around with the opportunities God gives us is not a good idea. God can send us a lot of drama to get us to do His will. Rather let us surrender our will to him and humbly ask Him to use us. He sure will, and effectively, too!

John 2:1-25
Jesus began His earthly ministry in style, changing water into top quality wine! As the governor of the feast said to the groom. 'You have kept the best [wine] until last'.
Satan is not like Jesus. He is a deceiver, promising all kinds of things to those who follow him. Unfortunately for them he does not have the power to back up his promises.
Jesus, however, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, is invested with all power; He is able to keep all His promises written in His Word. And what He will do for us is better than we expect, for He is keeping ' the best until last'. Now, He invites us to take up our 'cross' and follow Him. Once we have completed our earthly service, He will replace it with a crown!

Psalm 103:1-22
This is a magnificent psalm of praise to God, well worth memorising - especially the first five verses. It is helpful to memorise scripture, for we will have something the Holy Spirit can bring to mind when we need it.

Proverbs 14:17-19
One of the worst things we can do is to panic when threatened with danger. That is what training (knowledge) does for you; it prepares you to respond appropriately to a threat, enabling you to counter it, instead of reacting mindlessly or in anger and becoming a victim (v.17). This is also applicable from a spiritual perspective . Those who know they are the redeemed of the Lord are better able to stand firm in the face of attacks on their faith.

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