Judges 13:1-25, Judges 14:1-20
We are warned to not judge, and here are some good reasons why:
- Manoah misread the situation, thinking the angel was God and he was going to die. Sound, common sense advice from his unnamed wife (13:23) put him right. Don't ignore believers quietly serving in the background! They might have more to contribute than you think!
- There are many believers, servants of God (especially amongst women) faithfully serving, whose names are known only to God. They, too, will be rewarded by Him, perhaps even more so than those with huge ministries.
- Some servants are being used by God even when it seems not to be the case. Samson's parents did not realise that God was using his self-centred choices to achieve His sovereign purposes (14:4). We must never assume that we know how 'spiritual' other believers are; God is using them after all!
John 1:29-51
There was no doubt in John the Baptist's mind that Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb of God come to take away the sins of the world (v.29).
All who accept Him as such and believe that He carried away their sins upon Himself at Calvary will also know in their hearts that they are born again (1 John 5:10). Those who argue against the need to be born again disagree because they do not have the witness in their hearts.
Psalm 102:1-28
Even though the writer seems to be having problems he continues to praise Almighty God. When we have problems it should not stop us from acknowledging Who God is: the everlasting, Almighty God Who can do as He pleases. Thankfully He loves us, and will pick us up when we need it (v.17)!
Proverbs 14:15-16
The saying, 'Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely', has some truth in it. When those in power do corrupt things and get away with it, they tend to become even more corrupt in their ways. Fortunately, the converse is also true: the more we surrender to God the more He blesses us, causing us to want to surrender even more to Him, receiving even more blessings; and so on...!
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