Joshua 19:1-51
Last, but not least! When Joshua had completed his mission - leading the people into Canaan, conquering the inhabitants and settling the tribes in their conquered territories, he was given his reward- Timnath-serah, his own city.
God will reward us for our service to Him. Some Christians enjoy better material blessings in this life than others. However, our real reward is not here on earth (John 14:2). Just as Joshua trusted God and was faithful in service, so must we continue to be faithful believers. Finally, in Glory, we will have a wonderful home - forever!
Joshua 20:1-9
At present provision has to be made on earth for the sins that men commit. The cities of refuge were one such provision . There will not be any need for such provisions in heaven. Revelation 21:4 gives the reason: there will never be any tears in heaven because death, sorrow, crying, pain and other undesirable ills that we have on earth do not exist there! Hallelujah!
Luke 19:28-48
Jesus, as prophesied, rode into Jerusalem sitting on a donkey, to the adulation of the people, including a 'multitude of His disciples' (v.37). Some Christians believe that the crowd that praised Him as He rode into Jerusalem was the same crowd baying for His blood at His trial. I question that a crowd that included many of His disciples could be so fickle. If His disciples ran away at His arrest then, logically, the 'multitude' did likewise. It was a crowd that followed the priests that clamoured for Him to die.
My Point: I have heard preachers say it was the same crowd. We need to read the Scriptures with care! The priests who studied the scriptures misread them, ending up by crucifying the Messiah!
Psalm 88:1-18
This is another prayer uttered in desperation. I'm sure that, at one time or another, whether for healing of someone in spiritual, physical or mental danger, we have felt the same way as the psalmist. It takes much seeking after God (Matthew 6:33) to reach the point where we trust Him so completely that, no matter what happens to us or our loved ones, we believe He is doing what is best for us. It is an objective worth pursuing.
Proverbs 13:12-14
Here's a kind of paraphrase:
- v.12: it gives a good feeling when we achieve goals. However,
- v.13: some goals, for example the pursuit of wealth, do not bring happiness; those who believe God's Word will know this.
- v.14. Good teaching about God's Word, for example that He wants to save us, will help us to find God and the joy He gives.
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