Deut 18:1-22
In spite of not having any land, the Levitical priests would have all their needs met, for they would receive from the offerings of the people. Again comes the reminder to not follow the sinful practices of the inhabitants of Canaan; such practices were an abomination to the Lord, which is why He was driving them out of the Promised Land. Holiness (blamelessness) is required of us.
Deut 19:1-21
Having previously set up three cities of refuge in the Israelite lands east of the Jordan, the Lord now appointed three cities of refuge in Canaan. They would benefit only those with a genuine case of accidental killing.
Luke 9:28-50
Peter, James and John were given an opportunity to see something of Jesus' glory when He was visited by Moses and Elijah. God spoke from heaven, saying how pleased He was with His Son, and that the disciples were to pay attention to what He said. Men are still required to 'pay attention' today. If they choose not to listen to Jesus they will lose out, for there is no other way to please God and make it into heaven.
That Jesus expected his disciples to be able to heal is clear. When the disciples were sent out they preached the Kingdom and healed the sick as in v.2. It seems we should all be used for healing, but somehow we don't try to. But it is not by our own power that we minister; God's power works through us. We surely can allow God to bring healing through us - if we have the faith!
We should never argue against those who serve Jesus according to His Word, even if they are not 'with us'. If God chooses to use them, so be it! I have only one question by which I can know whether or not a person is saved: 'Has that person trusted in Jesus alone for salvation?' If so, then he or she is a born again believer like me!
Psalm 73:1-28
Asaph begins by writing in appreciation about the goodness of God while very aware of his own tendency to sin. He confesses to being envious of those who are prosperous; describing their sins in graphic terms, especially of how they despise God by their attitude. He compares himself to them; of his thinking that to honour God seems futile. But then he spends some time in God's sanctuary. There, in the quietness he has time to reflect and to meet with God. It is then that he becomes aware that the prosperous people who have no time for God will lose out in the end because they have despised One Who can, and will, wipe them out. He then realises that his own thinking about wasting time in worship was ridiculous and ignorant. Once again he acknowledges that God is his all-sufficiency, and will look after him until he goes to heaven.
We are often tempted to think wrong thoughts about God over such earthly issues as material blessings. The trick is to remember that we are passing through this world, and will not be able to take anything from it when we go to heaven.
Prov 12:10
The wicked have no love for their fellow men. The evil leaders of many nations are not slow to torture and kill those who oppose them. As for the righteous, not only do they care for their fellow men but they are also thoughtful towards their animals.
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