Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 11/04/2011

Joshua 3:1-17

We have not passed through life before (v.4); but our God knows the past, present and future. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to leave our future in His hands, and become seekers after sanctification (v.5). Whatever obstacles lie ahead (v.15) God will take care of them, making a way through life for us.

Joshua 4:1-24

It is helpful to have reminders about the wonderful things Almighty God has done for us (v.5-7). That was the idea behind the magnificent cathedrals with spires that pointed to heaven.

I can rightly expect the Lord to 'dry up' the problem rivers along my life's journey, provided I am following the road He has told me to.

Luke 14:7-35

If I am smart I will be the least in any company I am with. That way, I imitate my Saviour Who made Himself the least amongst His disciples by washing their feet (John 13:5). I see that God loves the humble, but rejects the arrogant and haughty (v.11). By extrapolation, I should rather give food to those in poor circumstances than throw a feast for my rich friends and neighbours to impress them. They cannot reward me in eternity, but God can and will reward me at the Judgment for caring about those who can't pay me back.

The rest of the chapter is about using God's type of common sense. Humbling myself and looking after the needy is what He regards as a common sense lifestyle! (See also: 1Peter 5:6).

Psalm 80:1-19

Asaph (the writer) acknowledges that God has the right to punish the people for their sin. He ends with the request that God step in and 'turn' the people [back to Himself] again. If we know that we have sinned and are in trouble with God, then the smartest thing we can do is ask Him to help us get back on track. He will do that gladly!

Proverbs 12:27-28

Do you want to live forever? Then live for God!

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