Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 10/04/2011

Deut 34:1-12

How many of us can lead over two million people through a desert for forty years successfully? Moses did when He obeyed God. So what must I do to also be successfully used by God? Surrender to Him all there is of me!

Joshua 1:1-18

When God chooses a servant He equips him with all that he needs for the job (vv.5, 9). He will not do less than that for us (Phil 4:19; 1 John 2:27). It is up to us to act upon His promises and go forward as He wants us to.

Joshua 2:1-24

The Lord gives us help from the most unlikely sources. A prostitute, Rahab, believed in the 'God of heaven' (v.11). Her fear of the invisible God of Israel was greater than her fear of the present and very visible king of Jericho, which is why she risked her all to protect the two spies. That is how my faith must operate, fearing and trusting God more than I do any man.

Luke 13:22-35

It is not enough to know about Jesus, or even to have heard His words. We must have a personal relationship with Him if we don't want Him to reject us at the Judgment.

Luke 14:1-6

Jesus had a practical ministry: meet the needs of the individuals ASAP without allowing obscure points of the law to delay or prevent the healing from taking place.

Psalm 79:1-13

Even though God seems to be allowing us to be punished, He is still the only one we can call upon for help!

Proverbs 12:26

There is the saying that if you want to be successful you must mix with successful people. So, if we want to live righteous lives we must seek the company of righteous people. Who are the righteous? 'By their fruits you will know them' (Matt 7:16).

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