Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Devotion Thoughts - 23/05/2011

2 Samuel 2:12-32. 2 Samuel 3:1-39

When Joab came from David, he sent messengers after Abner ... but David did not know it (v. 3:26).

When Abner returned to Hebron, Joab ... stabbed him to death (v.3:27).

The king lamented over Abner, and said, "Why did Abner have to die like a fool?" (v.3:33).

Joab played up a lot on the fact that he and David were cousins. The death of Abner was uncalled for, hence David's lament over him. After Joab killed Abner, David, not knowing what to do about him, gave his son and successor, Solomon, instructions to deal with Joab, which he did by having him killed (1 Kings 2:5,6,32-34).

It is helpful to have a 'friend in court', but we should never take advantage of the relationship in order to settle scores against others. Joab was underhanded; Abner not.

In spite of his senior status, Joab died ignominiously, while Abner was given a 'state' funeral with the king lamenting his death. When believers die, the King of kings Himself notices and is moved (Psalm 116:15)! Hallelujah!

John 13:1-30

After [Judas] received the sop [from Jesus], Satan entered into him (v.27).

Amongst the things I cannot understand is why anyone worships Satan. He can't - and won't - do them any good. His track record is poor for he has no real power. God, and God alone, is Omnipotent. What's more, He is omnipresent, being everywhere in the universe simultaneously. Satan, like humans, can only be in one place at any time. Accepting the sop was an act of treachery by Judas against Jesus personally, which is why Satan was allowed to enter him.

Believers must always remember that all power belongs to Jesus (Matthew 28:18), so if we feel under pressure from any of Satan's demons (for Satan is busy attacking someone else somewhere in the world!) we can ask God for His all-powerful help.

Psalm 119:1-16

Your Word is stored in my heart, so that I won't not sin against [God] (v.11).

It is not just once that we memorise or learn God's word; it is an ongoing process until we die or the Lord comes for us (v.17). That is because God's word sanctifies us as we 'chew on it', effectively causing us to grow in holiness day by day as we study and absorb it.

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