1 Samuel 13:23. 1 Samuel 14:1-52
Jonathan said to his armour bearer, 'Come, let us go over to the garrison of those uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will use us to fight: for it is no problem for Him to save by many or by few'. 1Sa 14:6 (my words).
Presumably the Philistines allowed Saul and Jonathan to have swords for ceremonial purposes. But the God of Israel needed just one sword in the hand of Jonathan to overthrow a garrison of Philistines. We can be powerful witnesses even if our resources are limited.
Saul's silly rule, forbidding his troops from eating, was not a good idea (v.24), for when they became faint with hunger they became less effective as fighters. Don't make Saul's mistake; God wants us to ask His guidance before making any rulings or plans, a lesson Saul needed to learn.
John 7:30-53
'His hour was not yet come' (v.30).
God has a time for everything that must happen. Trying to hurry Him is not going to work. Learn to rest in Him, assured that His good plans for you will be put into operation at exactly the right time. When we are ready for God, He will be ready for us; then rivers of living water will flow out of us.
Proverbs 15:5-7
v.5. A fool seldom learns from his father's instruction,
but those who are smart always heed sound advice.
v.6. The house of the righteous is built on good business;
the wicked make money from their avarice.
v.7. The wise share their knowledge to help those around them,
but hearts that are foolish do not give a care.
Now if you would honour the Lord by your conduct -
be honest; be caring; be ready to share!
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