1 Samuel 5:1-12
YHWH is the only god! There is only one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are God, co-equal in power and glory.
Everything and everyone in the world will one day bow before Him in adoration and worship. Very soon now every knee - including those of atheists, godless evolutionists, so-called Christians, and non-Christians - will bow before Jesus Christ, their tongues confessing that He is LORD!
1 Samuel 6:1-21
Amazingly, the Philistines did not realise that YHWH was the only God, and continued to worship their own 'gods' even after the display of God's power. As for the Bethshemites, although they were Israelites who had rejoiced at the return of the precious Ark, they were punished for daring to dishonour God by treating His Ark as a common thing. God, and the things of God, must always be treated with honour and respect.
1 Samuel 7:1-17
God's command: 'There shall be no other gods before Me' (Exodus 20:3) is so important that it is number one on the list. Just as soon as we surrender to Him every other attraction ('gods') - including beloved family members and friends, and desires prompted by covetousness such as envy, and all fleshly appetites - and humbly bow before Him, making Him Number One in our lives, that is how quickly He will help and restore us (Matthew 6:33).
John 6:1-21
Jesus was always ready for a challenge by which He could honour His Father (giving thanks in v.11). Too many believers see their challenges as being impossible to handle. If God dwells within us, and nothing is impossible for Him, what is holding us back from stretching our faith? Perhaps a good way to start - if you don't already do it - is to tithe on your income. I believe that if we give willingly, with a good heart, we will be blessed more than we should expect (Luke 6:38). But don't tithe to get; tithe in obedience, to honour God. It works for me!
This psalm continues recounting the events in the life of the nation, Israel. Given that God had proved Himself to them again and again, their continued sinning does not make sense Sometimes even believers, who have experienced God's power in their lives, doubt His love for them when things don't go the way they want.
Make a point of accepting that God is in control in your life; trust Him, and relax. You only create 'problems' for yourself when you disagree with Him about how you think matters should happen to be in your life.
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