When asked by a scribe which was the first commandment of all, Jesus replied 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One' (Mark 12:29). So I believe that there is one God.
Elsewhere Jesus said: 'I and My Father are one'. (John 10:30). This I also believe, for it ties in with Isaiah 9:6: 'For unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son os Given; ... and His name will be called ... Mighty God'. This clearly tells me that about 700 years before the birth of Jesus it was prophesied that God (the Son) was to be born. I have no problem believing this too, for in Micah 5:2 it was prophesied that Jesus, born in Bethlehem, was to be 'Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting'. It all adds up to Jesus and the Father being one. And Paul wrote in Romans 8:9 about the Holy Spirit indwelling the believers. So, in such verses found throughout the New Testament we find references to God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who indwells every believer as ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit! This confirms my belief that it makes no difference how the indwelling God is described, for all Three Persons indwell me ... as God!
Let's look at this matter of God being three Persons from another perspective. Both the Old Testament (Ezekiel 36:27 and others) and the New Testament mention God being present in every believer. When Paul wrote to the Ephesian Church (3:19): '... that you might be filled with all the fullness of God', he is saying that every believer has the fullness of God in him/her! Now that fullness is definitely not a billioneth part of God, divided between all the believers; it is the FULLNESS - the everythingness, the wholeness - of God. And that, to me, means Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the One mighty God.
Add to that the many references that speak of God upon His throne and dwelling in heaven (Isaiah 6:1; Matthew 5:34 and others) then I am reminded that God controls everything in the universe, and does so while simultaneously giving attention to the prayers and needs of every believer! I believe that at all times God is giving PERSONAL attention to every believer, no matter the needs of the universe or the billions of others in the world. Every believer is given God's undivided attention! And the wonder of it is that God never mixes me up with some other believer and sends him/her the answer I am praying for. That is because nothing is impossible for Almighty God Who knows everything!
In 2 Chronicles 6:18, Solomon acknowledges that if 'heaven and the heaven of heavens' cannot contain Almighty God, how could the earthly house (Temple) that he had built contain Him? I don't have Solomon's problem about that. To me it is no trouble for the Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God to occupy heaven, the universe, the Temple, and the hearts of billions of believers simultaneously. Nothing is impossible for Him. And there is no need for Him to split Himself into billions of parts. He is able to function fully in all these spheres of activity that fall upon Him. Being a Trinity comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is how the One Lord, Almighty God, deals with matters relating to the universe and the people He made.
To me it is truly humbling that while God occupies earth and the entire universe far beyond the furtherest reaches of the most powerful of earth's telescopes He is also spending time with me! Put another way: even now, while God is active in the lives of His children throughout the world, I am very aware that He is giving attention to my needs. And He is not divided up into billioneths so that each believer can enjoy at least some small part of Him. No way! ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD indwells me even while He fully indwells all other believers.
We must not limit an Infinite God by our finite thoughts! If we can readily accept and believe that His universal attention to all believers is possible, why not also believe in the Trinity? Why is it impossible to believe that the One God Who can simultaneously relate to millions is also able to project Himself as Three Persons?
All glory be to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!
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