Some relevant scripture verses [given in my words for greater clarity].
John 1:12 To as many as received Him [Jesus, as Saviour and Lord] He gave the authority to become the children of God, to all who believe on His name.
John 3:6-7 Flesh produces flesh; only the Spirit can give birth to spirit [in believers]… So you must not be surprised by Me [Jesus] saying to you that you must be ‘born again’ [i.e. born of the Spirit].
Galatians 4:6 Because you have become sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, so now you can call Him [God] ‘Abba’, which means ‘Father’!
Romans 8:9 You, however, are not [i.e. no longer] of the flesh but under the control of the Spirit [ever] since God's Spirit lives in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ [living in him], he does not belong to Him [God].
John 16:3. However, when the Spirit of truth [another name for God’s Holy Spirit] enters your heart He will guide you into all truth [about the Bible, God, Jesus etc].
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture [not just selected parts] is inspired by God and is useful for teaching doctrine, for reproving sinfulness, for correcting false teaching, and for teaching righteous living.
What these scriptures teach:
(This is actually what the Gospel – the Good News – is about!)
1. We need to become a child of God. As per John 1:12 we need to believe that Jesus came to be the Saviour of all who acknowledge that they are sinners not worthy to enter God’s Kingdom. We have already been born of the flesh; we must still be ‘born again’, this time of the Spirit, as stated in John 3:6-7.
2. Once we have confessed our sins and asked Jesus to be our Saviour we are ‘born again’. Simultaneously we become children (sons and daughters) of God. Because we are cleansed of all sin, thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary, we have become a fit temple for God’s Holy Spirit to dwell in us. From within us He becomes our Counsellor, Guide, Teacher, and Comforter, and we can call God ‘our Father’; just some of the things the Spirit does for us. That is the teaching in Galatians 4:6.
3. Some ‘Christians’, including church ministers and theologians, might try to persuade you that you don’t need to be born again to get into heaven; that to live a ‘good’ life for God is sufficient. It is not. Jesus said we must be born again for the Spirit of God to live in us. Romans 8:9 states that if the Spirit of Christ is not in us we are not children of God. Either you have the Spirit of God in you or you don’t. Make sure you are born again and have the witness of the presence of the Holy Spirit in you!
4. Once you are born again you will have the Holy Spirit living in you. He will teach you all the truth that you need to know about the Bible and its teachings. And because the Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16) He will teach it correctly. He will never teach anything contrary to what He has inspired the writers of the Bible to write. So called ‘Christians’ who are not born again and are not led by the Spirit tend to cast aspersions on Bible teachings and live contrary to them.
SUMMARY: No one will understand God’s Word without the guidance of the Holy Spirit living in him or her.
May God help you to learn and apply these truths to your life!
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