1 Chronicles 19:1-19. 1 Chronicles 20:1-8. 1 Chronicles 21:1-30
Satan wanted to bring trouble on the people of Israel, so he made David decide to take a census (21.1,GNB).... God was displeased with what had been done, so he punished Israel (21.7,GNB).... David said to God, "I have committed a terrible sin in doing this! Please forgive me. I have acted foolishly." (21.8,GNB).
David sinned in that taking a census of the people was not only an act of pride but was also a slight on God, showing misplaced confidence in his own ability to self-protect the nation. When things started to go wrong he confessed his sin, and asked God for forgiveness.
Believers know that every sin they will ever have committed through life is carried by Jesus at Calvary, and so they are all forgiven. But the reality is that we still find ourselves sinning daily. What to do about it? Without going into theological depths, here is the answer: see your confession on the day of your salvation as clearing the slate of sins committed up to that point. Thereafter, sins committed daily (although already forgiven at Calvary) must be admitted to and confessed. That's basically it!
Romans 2:25-29. Romans 3:1-8
If you obey the Law, your circumcision is of value; but if you disobey the Law, you might as well never have been circumcised (v.25,GNB).
This should be easy to understand. I can scrupulously pay my taxes and tell myself I am a good citizen. But paying my taxes will not keep me out of jail if I murder someone.
With some denominations the emphasis is placed on what that denomination considers essential Christian living in order to obey God's commands. For example, by taking communion. But taking communion will be negated if we lie or steal. It is pointless to keep only certain parts of the law.
Where does that leave us as Believers? Take care that we don't belittle the practices of denominations that differ from us!
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